Alternative nostril breathing: A breath of fresh air for your health

Alternative Nostril Breathing

As someone who spent many years of her life unknowingly holding her breath, pranayama – or more commonly know as breathwork – holds a very special place in my heart, my life and my self-care practices.

One of my favorite pranayama techniques is alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana. In Sanskrit, Nadi means, “channel” and Shodhana means, “to purify or cleanse.” So in the simplest sense, this breath technique is used to cleanse and clear the body’s physical and energetic channels. 

If you’re new to breathwork and just getting started, this technique is a perfect practice that has really palpable effects on the nervous system. It’s a calming and balancing tool that helps with anxiety, concentration and focus, and is also quite beneficial if you experience frequent headaches. In the most general sense, this systematic breath in and out of each nostril naturally brings the body into a state of parasympathetic rest and relaxation. It oxygenates both the right and left sides of the brain, while swiftly guiding you out of fight or flight.

It’s one of my most trusted self-care tools and with the warmest encouragement, I invite you to try it! Please join me in the video below, and or see the step by step verbal instructions that follow.

Find a comfortable seat, sitting upright, reaching up and out through the crown of the head, spine is long, shoulders are relaxed and away from the ears. Breathing normally at first, allow yourself to arrive and settle in. Take a few full body breaths in through the nose, and out through the mouth.

When you’re ready to begin, gently bring your right hand up towards your face. Now, the easiest way to do this is to bring your pointer and middle fingers in towards the palm and work with the thumb and ring fingers. So in the vein of making this practice as accessible as possible, this is how we’ll do it today and I’ll do a follow up explaining other variations.

So, with your right hand up in front of your face, bring your pointer and middle fingers in towards your palm. Inhale and exhale fully to prepare. Then gently cover your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in through your left nostril. Pause for a second, then cover your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale out the right nostril. Inhale through the right nostril, pause, cover the right nostril and exhale out the left. Inhale left, pause, cover left, and exhale right. Inhale right, pause, cover right, and exhale left.

Continue with this sequence for 10 – 15 rounds, or longer if you can. When you’re ready to finish and return to natural breathing, finish by exhaling out the left nostril and lower your right hand down onto your knee of thigh. Breath normally and observe the sensations of this practice. Notice how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally, and have a moment of gratitude to the practice, as well as yourself for taking the time to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

Remember: the breath is your friend and it is always and everywhere available to you. All you have to do is slow down and tap in…

x Moll


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